Something Old, Something New...
A Forum of Theatre By Women

May 17-20 - TWO DAISIES
Two new and thoughtful plays
Harriet Tubman Visits a Therapist by Carolyn Gage
Directed by Jasmine Presson
Existing simultaneously in past and present, two African-American women
navigate the concept and practice of survival, living, and freedom.
With: Alissa James & Letha Rose

A Job Like Any Other by Deirdre Patterson
Directed by Sheila Bledsoe
With: Michael Catangay, Drucilla O'Brien & Allison V. Taft

May 24-27 - OLD ROSES
Two fun farces - guaranteed to tickle without the thorn
Diamond Cut Diamond by William Henry Murray
Directed by Arlene Schulman
Fun and chaos ensue as two equally handsome, dashing Captains and their rascally
servants scheme to win the hand of the wealthy and beautiful Charlotte Doubtful!
With: Charles Z. Holt, Lana Parker, David Rodriguez,
Ashley Sronce, Tim Wersan & Mark McClain Wilson

The Box and Cox by John Maddison Morton
Directed by May Adrales
An urban fairy tale in disguise of unfathomable greed, untimely death,
unrequited love and unlikely reunions...
With: Andrea Chudnow, J.P. Lopez & Nick Pelczar

May 31-June 3 - TULIPS
Turn-of-the-century fare for your pleasure
The Blind by Maurice Maeterlinck
Directed by Shirley Serotsky
With: A.J. Diamond, Josh Aaron McCabe, Jennifer Saltzstein,
John Seroff & Susan Woods

A Merry Death by Nicholas Evreinov
(translated by C.E. Bechhofer)
Directed by Heather Robinson
Harlequin goes out with a bang!
With: Kim Donovan, Jeff Glasse, Jim Kohn & Eric Scott

Here we find different perspectives on relationships
Don't Talk To Me Of Love by Pauline Carey
Directed by Rachel Rubin Ladutke
London, 1827: young Mary Shelley, the acclaimed author of "Frankenstein",
wrestles with the stormy legacy of her equally famous parents.
With: Michael Thomas Cain, Ellen Domingos & Norah Sweeney

The Right Words by Marilynn Mansfield
Directed by Tina M. Cox
Four quirky people are each confronted with a unique problem.  With the help of
a charming stranger, they untangle the mess they've created of their world.
With: Yvonne Christ, Brian Faherty, Heather Gunn,
Yvonnik Muller & Sandi Micali Smith

Cleopatra's Nose by Ann Marie Oliva
Directed by Christie Tufano
With: Valentina Benrexi, Devin Moriarty & Caroline Sharman

The Mack Truck Theory by Vanessa Shaver
Directed by Danielle Soames
With: Doug Halsey, Carly Robins & Nikola Smith

June 28-July 1 - FORGET-ME-NOTS
A new look at two classics
Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen
Directed by Julie Balzer
A woman is forced to confront the hidden sins of the past in this powerful
and engrossing psychological play by 'the father of modern drama'.
With: Rich Delia, Micah Freedman, Gina Hirsch, Brent River & Kelly Roth

Right of the Soul by Giuseppe Giacosa
Directed by Angela Brownfield
A loving husband learns the shocking truth behind his cousin's suicide...
and his marriage may never be the same!
With: J.P. Lopez, Michael Medori, Valerie Northrip & Gina Ojile

422 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 ~ (212) 307-9467 ~ admin@lookingglasstheatrenyc.com
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