The Looking Glass Forum
Spring 2004
May 27 - June 27, 2004
Tickets- $14
A festival of new works by upcoming female playwrights and directors.

May 27-29 @ 8pm,  May 30 @ 5pm

Assistant Director: Patricia Runcie

Adapted by Lauren Rubenzahl, composed by Magen Tracy
Herself is adapted from poems written by women in Ireland a thousand years ago.  Text, movement and music interweave and a provoking tapestry is born.
Directed by Lila Rose Kaplan
Featuring Olwyn Conway, Catherine Friesen, Mona Kayhan, Heather Lind, Becky White

Still Love
By Cristina M. Pippa
The art of relationships is explored in this curious mystery of a newly married professor and art critic who appears to be falling madly in love with a house--or is it the artist who lived there?
Directed by Rebecca A. Katzman
Featuring TaShana Foreman, Gene Gallerano, Laura LeBleu

By Leah Mercer
A performance text that exists in the landscape between then and now, Melancholia considers what role choice, circumstance and character play in the construction of sadness.
Directed by Amantha May
Featuring Johanna Weller-Fahy, Pamela Sabaugh, Cynthia Ward

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June 3-5 @ 8pm,  June 6 @ 5pm

Assistant Director: Kelly Haydon

The New York Times
By Melanie Wehrmacher
One day in the seductive life of a newspaper reporter.
Directed by Samantha Tunis
Featuring: Richard Brundage, Jyotsna du Ciel, Scott Harrison, Leslie Korein, Alex Magliaro, Lennie Varvarides

The Disappearance Conundrum
By Rachel Axler
A black comedy about love, marriage, and an apartment where furniture seems to vanish without a trace.
Directed by Alicia Andrews
Featuring Jessica Almasy, Peter Dixon, Joan Fishman, Chris Mollica

Flesh Tint or Primary Blue
By Catherine Reichart
An exploration of how momentary chance encounters color our lives in unexpected ways.
Directed by Destiny Lilly
Featuring Erin Wegner Brooks, Robert Dioguardi, Zack Fine

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June 10-12 @ 7:30pm,  June 13 @ 4:30pm
* NOTE early curtain times

Assistant Director: Abigail Ramsay 

The Tempest
By William Shakespeare, adapted by Glory Sims Bowen
A mighty storm shipwrecks Queen Alonsa, Duchess Antonia, and their party on the shores of a mysterious magical island where they come face to face with the sorceress Prospera - the woman they marooned and betrayed years ago.
Directed by Glory Sims Bowen
Featuring Anthony Abdallah, Emily Dres Brand, Hana Rosenberg, Chiasui Chen, Tina Chow, Rusty Gunther, Stella Inserra, Sacha Iskra, Susan Rankus, Andrew Rothkin, Randi Sobol, Gina Stec, Jennifer Stokes, Kimberly Villanueva, Michael Whitney

By William Shakespeare
How does one do the definitive Macbeth?
I don't know, but I've heard it's a pretty good script.
"Then yield the, coward,
And live to be the show and gaze o' th' time.
We'll have thee, as our rarer monsters are,
Painted upon a pole, and underwrit
'Here may you see the tyrant.'"
Directed by Carrie Morris
Featuring Alicia Branch, Kelly Curran, Ryan Ervin, David Estes, Daniel Evans, Dennis  Hurley, Peter Johnson, Kimberly Shay Jones, Omoye Jones, Kelly Curran, Alexandra Lemosle, Thea McCartan, Jenny McClintock, Emily McDevott, Ron Palais, Tod Pate, Sidse Ploug, Therese Plummer, Rebecca Resnik, Akiva Saltzman, Ben Shelton, Charlie Shelton, Brian Silliman, Dan Stageman, Robyn Steward, Jonas Wadler, plus others.

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June 17-19 @ 8pm,  June 20 @ 5pm

Assistant Director: Katherine Heberling

By Cyndi Williams
In seven scenes, we will comedically demonstrate why everyone is going to hell.
Directed by Regina Robbins
Featuring Rachelle Blum, Audrey Moore, Sarah Strasser

Glass Slipper, Size 8 1/2
By Jacqueline Floyd
Directed by Sarah Austin Jenness
Featuring Kim Justice, Mary Keuser, Chris Mollica

Paid in Full
By Shirlene Holmes
A powerful short play that explores the debts owed to those we most love.
Directed by Jolie Tong
Featuring Chet Anekwe, Akyiaa Wilson

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June 24-26 @ 8pm,  June 27 @ 5pm

Assistant Director: Heidi Handelsman

127 Cups of Coffee
By Dara Hope Weinerman
On a college campus, in the Philosophy Department; a boy, a girl, coffee and the search for meaning.
Directed by Margaret E. Hall
Featuring Jody Flader, Eli Kranski, Rebecca Lorden, Quinn Strassel

The War Zone is My Bed
By Yasmine Rana
Against the backdrop of war, as an American journalist faces his beautiful lover in a final goodbye, he must also face the painful truth about himself.
Directed by Caroline Reddick Raymond
Featuring Vera Chernysheva, and Foster Davis

Written and directed by Charmian Creagle

Forum Lighting Designer: James Bedell

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May 27-30
June 3-6
June 10-13
June 17-20
June 24-27
422 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 ~ (212) 307-9467 ~
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