Adapted and Directed by Glory Bowen
The Snow Queen, adapted from the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale, follows the adventures of Gerda, a young woman, on her quest to save her younger brother Kai from the castle of the icy Snow Queen. Gerda must travel through several worlds before reaching the wintery northern lands where the Snow Queen reigns. During her adventures she meets beloved characters such as The Summer Princess and the rebellious Robber Girl.
November 6 - December 19, 2004
Saturdays and Sundays
@ 2pm & 4pm*
*December 11 Performances are at 12pm & 2pm!
TDF Vouchers Accepted
$12- Adults
$10- Children (Up to Age 14)
This show is closed.
Director: Glory Sims Bowen
AD/SM: Karen Kwan and Susan Rankus
Light Design: James Bedell
Sound Design: Christopher Brooks
Costume Design: Iracel Rivero
Set Design: Rusty Gunther
Choreographer: Colette Brandenburg
Shareefah Hamilton, Anthony Abdallah, Michael Baldwin, Andrea Biggs, Virginia Callaway, Zoe Frazer,
Luis Medina, Jill Michael, Aaron Mize,
Rodney Pallanck, Megan Rodd, Maurice Wilson